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New media, the media, Internet marketing, such as new things is no longer fresh, more and more companies began to dabble in Internet marketing. At present, almost half of the pharmaceutical marketing planning company in the field of into the network marketing planning, everyone was introduced himself success in network marketing planning scheme, but seldom mention failure case. In fact, the medical network marketing planning failure probability is far higher than offline marketing planning, pharmaceutical enterprise be especially alert to social network marketing planning marketing can easily bring about failure.
At this point, even understand this marketing veteran will occasionally "up". Emergency contraception, batman!
In the recently launched an online marketing activities, Durex (Durex) please vote, Facebook users decide which city should enjoy the "emergency" condom delivery service this service is to let those who don't have the lover to contraceptives can through smartphone applications or notebook, enjoy the fast delivery service. With the most votes is Batman city (Batman, English spelling is the same as "Batman").
Batman is the capital of a province in southeastern Turkey, here is rich in oil, inhabited by conservative Muslim residents. Social media experts say there is little doubt with the result of the vote is dominated by network rascal. Facebook voting page displays, batman votes to 1577 votes, over Paris and London. A two-month campaign ended in April, after the page has been few visitors.
尽管如此,还会有诸多企业对于社交网络营销颇为痴迷,原因很简单,社交网络营销已经不可逆转地走上了市场营销的前台。早在四年前,就有业内人士提出了医药保健品营销策划服务要从线下走到线上来,要从纯粹的广告走到营销互动上来,要从纯粹的网络技术应用走到网络营销策略的应用上来,如今看来这想法是正确的,那些在营销策划过程中不注重OTO(online to offline)营销策划模式的医药保健品机构,很快便退出了历史舞台。
Even so, there will be many enterprises for social network marketing is obsession, the reason is very simple, social network marketing has irrevocably took to the marketing of the front desk. As early as four years ago, has in the industry put forward the medical and health products marketing planning services to walk from line to line up, to walk from pure advertising to interactive marketing, is to go from a pure network technology application to the application of network marketing strategy, now this idea is right, who does not pay attention to in the process of marketing planning OTO (online to offline) marketing model of medicine and health care institutions, soon withdrew from the historical stage.
In recent years, the enterprise into the marketing expenses proportion on the network continues to grow, according to figures from the marketing planning company, the network marketing costs accounted for about 20%, some companies have above 30%, there are some more pure network marketing company, the network marketing costs on the scale is surprisingly high.
The author is a frequent visitor to social networking, microblogging, for example, a company every day in practice all kinds of social network marketing promotion activity, however, due to their creative marketing planning is not careful, marketing implementation does not reach the designated position, follow up wait for a reason, not in time efforts gone most of the enterprises, and part of the enterprise and even get a lot of bad evaluation.
Advertising, such as the straight freely is social network marketing, not through the brain and do not have effect, also bring a bad response and comments.
Of course, there are serious social network marketing, branding success not only, but also accumulated a large number of fans, has been well received.
比如,超能天然皂粉最近正在新浪微博上发起的#辣妈SHOW#活动,就得到了很多网友的响应,并积极参与到活动中来。其实超能天然皂粉还定期推出一些吸引眼球的微博互动活动,比如LADY空间、LADY心、超能超有趣、TEA TIME等活动,都得到了网友们的积极响应。
Ultra natural soap powder, for example, recently is initiated on the weibo # hot mama SHOW# activity, get a lot of netizens response, and actively participate in activities. Actually chaoneng natural soap powder also has introduced some eye-catching weibo interactive activities, such as space LADY, LADY heart, super powers is super interesting, TEA TIME, got the positive response of the netizens.
For the pharmaceutical industry's social network marketing, a renowned marketing planning agencies -- - planning company think, with more and how the brand to join, on the one hand, the bonuses of the social network marketing is actually falling, on the other hand, the user's tastes are becoming more and more captious also, more and more difficult to meet, enterprises apply more innovation is needed to win in a social network marketing war.