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What is the purpose of the website? The conversion! But also said, in front of the website is usually the product display, case show, company news, etc., these are not the majority of users care about, that is to say, this part of the flow is invalid, we are doing this. So how to improve the website conversion rate? The core is to make accurate flow. On how accurate flow, we divided into two blocks:


Marketing type site


Website is the foundation of the whole network marketing system, the foundation is not solid superstructure is teetering even apart, so the first and most important step is the site into a perfect marketing model.

网站建设核心是必须要告诉访客:我们是谁,我们做什么,我们怎么做,为什么请我们做,如何联系我们。整体上针对网络潜在目标客户群体的习惯及需求,站在潜 在客户的角度,在网站首页排布潜在 客户感兴趣的内容。企业形象宣传,核心产品展示,客户见证,为潜在目标客户答疑等,塑造企业公信力,通过网站营销贯彻,获得销售线索,最终达成交易。

Site core is must tell visitors: who we are and what we do, what do we do, why we do, please, how to contact us. Overall habits and needs of the potential target customer group of the network, to stand in the Angle of the potential customers, potential customers interested in the arrangement of the home page content. Core enterprise image promotion, product display, customer testimonials, and answer for potential target customers, etc., to build credibility, enterprises marketing implementation from a website, get the sales leads, finally make a deal.


Basic elements of marketing web site:


1) to establish a trust (who will go to a typesetting mess, dislocation, and even fake website to buy the product).


2) atmospheric concise (concise and easy, be clear at a glance, easy to understand the enterprise strength and query the product parameters).


(3) preferential promotion people don't necessarily want to buy a bargain, but must be like keen on gaining petty advantages, through increased offers to clinch a deal the probability).


4) convenient contact (the first step to the enterprise to build trust, the second step is to find a want to buy the product, then the third step is to contact communication, asking prices and implement business. So let potential customers the most convenient to find contact information is also very need to pay attention to the problem.) .


Accurate traffic

对于企业网站,每天不一定有一个客户咨询,但精准流量的话可能每天只有十几个访客,但是很有可能成交两三笔交易。因为精准流量带来的是意 向客户,他们就是想了解产品,想了解案例,想了解公司的实力,如果公司网站是合格的营销型网站,那么成交是水到渠成的事,这就是精准流量的魅力。

For enterprise website, not necessarily every day there is a customer consultation, but accurate flow may be only a couple of dozen visitors every day, but it is likely to clinch a deal a couple of deals. For accurate flow brings to the customer, they just want to know about the product and would like to know, want to know about the strength of the company, if the company is a qualified marketing type site, then the deal is the natural thing, this is the charm of accurate flow.

POST TIME:2013年09月05日




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