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Web page optimization is valued by more and more web site developers how to reasonable layout keyword skills, there are those who need to pay attention to? What keywords to optimize the layout of the influence and so on, just above problems with you about today.
First of all, keyword density, since the keywords appear frequency is an important factor to determine rankings, why don't we repeat it 1000 times, it is not a simple and effective? Hold on. Little imagine this is the practice of search engine "Stone Age", really work at that time, now it has already been abandoned by search engines. Then the typical way is: "keywords, keywords, keyword..." . Repetitions, the more website ranking. Then login into an endless search engine keyword repetition contest. You repeated 500 times is not much, I to 600 times, and the key words repeated thousands of times. Search engine soon realized the dangers of this kind of practice, finally unbearable as to stand out, warning those things too, if continue to bigotry, not only cannot achieve the purpose, and possibly was put to death, forever will be shut out of your website.
其次,关键词的分布,核心关键字,昆明网站设计很多站长都认为自己能把握好自己网站的核心关键词昆明建设,seo在这里建议站长不要过高的估计自己的水平.有的朋友加了我QQ问,想把"seo"网页优化到第一页怎么办?我劝你还是把时间节省出来.因为很多热门关键字已经被一些权威站点或者百度竞价垄断.不过你可以选择其他的相关的做核心关键字.比如"手机游戏","手机图片"等等. 相关关键字,这个大家不难理解,因为各个引擎都提供的相关的提示.百度,雅虎,谷歌都有相关搜索,而且雅虎还有一个热门搜索,显示近期常用的相关词语.大家可以把相关关键字做为网站的分类栏目.做为分类栏目好处是可以突出关键字,让其他内页辅助,并且可以在网站内多次合理的出现.稍微细心的朋友都会发现,很多时候页面里无相关内容,只因为分类栏目与搜索的关键字相同,却出现在搜索结果里。
"kunming seo" web page optimization to the first page? I advise you or save your time. Because many popular keyword has been monopolized by some authority site or baidu bid. But you can choose other related core keyword. Such as "mobile game", "picture" and so on. The relevant keywords, this is not hard to understand, because every engine provides relevant tips. Baidu, yahoo, Google has relevant search, and there is also a popular yahoo search, according to a recent common related words. You can put the relevant keyword as the classification of the web site columns. As classification program benefits can be highlighted keywords, let the other auxiliary inside pages, and can be within the site several times appear reasonable. Careful friends will find a little, a lot of the time is not relevant content on the page, because only classified columns the same as the search keywords, but appear in search results.
再次,关键词的选择,选择具体的关键词 我们在挑选关键词时还有一点要注意,网站制作就是避免拿含义宽泛的一般性词语作为主打关键词,而是要根据你的业务或产品的种类,尽可能选取具体的词。比如一家销售木工机具的厂家,“Carpenter Tools”不是合适的关键词,“Chain Saws”则可能是明智的选择。有人会问,既然“Carpenter Tools”是集合名词,涵盖了厂家所有的产品,为什么不用?我们不妨拿Carpenter Tools到Google一试,外贸网站建设你会发现搜索结果居然在6位数以上,也就是说你的竞争者有近 200,000个!想在这么多竞争者当中脱颖而出几乎是“不可能完成的任务”。相反,“Chain Saws”项下的搜索结果则少得多(69,800个),你有更多的机会排在竞争者的前面。
Again, the choice of key words, the choice of specific keywords we also should pay attention to when choosing keywords, is to avoid of making web sites with broad general words as the main keywords, and but according to the type of your business or product, as far as possible to select specific words. Such as a sales of woodworking machinery manufacturers, "Carpenter Tools" is not the right keywords, "Chain Saws" may be a wise choice. Now that someone will ask, "Carpenter Tools" is a collective noun, covering all the products, why not? We might as well take a Carpenter Tools to Google a try, you will find that the foreign trade website construction at 6 digits above the search results (the actual number is 189000), that is to say, you have nearly 200000 competitors! Want to stand out among so many competitors is almost a "mission impossible". On the contrary, the Chain Saws "under the item of search results is much less,you have more opportunity to ahead of competit
最后,利用好长尾关键字 ,seo爱好者应该都对长尾理论有一定的了解.长尾关键字方便用户快速找到自己需要的内容,比如"2010年最新SEO教程"就属于典型的长尾关键字.大家选择长尾关键字,不能根据自己的搜索习惯进行.首先要考虑用户,分析一下他们一般如何去搜索,然后才能确定和你网站内容最符合的长尾关键字.大家不要忽略长尾关键字的作用,尤其是商业站点.这样的流量最有价值.
Finally, make good use of the long tail keywords, seo lovers should have some knowledge of the long tail. Long tail keywords content easy to quickly find his/her needs, such as "in 2010, the latest seo tutorial" is a typical long tail keywords. You choose the long tail keywords, not according to your own search habits. The first thing to consider, how to analyze their general search, and then to determine the content with you the most in line with the long tail of keywords. You don't ignore the role of the long tail keywords, especially commercial sites. The traffic is the most value.