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A web page navigation bar as the components of your site's theme, to the visual effect of the entire site plays an important role, many designers before has a unique insights on navigation design, mutual aerospace science and technology as the old web design company for many years, also some experiences to share.


1, eye-catching icon, navigation is an important trend of the design: icon is used more frequently. In order to make the navigation is more prominent, designers usually by beautiful ICONS to decorate the navigation bar. Here, kunming website design chosen icon should be able to identify clearly, and can clearly express the content of classification. Not with larger ICONS to attract eyeballs.

2、垂直导航和树状导航 ,垂直导航和树状导航一般都是放在左侧(很少站点会放在右侧),显示产品目录居多。垂直导航和树状导航的区别只在是否有多级弹出菜单,在浏览器上设计弹出菜单并不是一件,简单的事情,要考虑到跨浏览器的兼容性,美观和收放效果实不容易。而且除非是产品线比较丰富的站点,否则采用垂直导航即可。

2, vertical navigation and navigation of a tree, vertical navigation and tree navigation is usually on the left side (very few sites will be on the right), showed that the product catalogue is in the majority. Vertical navigation, and the difference between the tree navigation in multistage pop-up menu, only on the browser pop-up menu design, is not a simple matter, want to consider cross-browser compatibility, beautiful and an income effect is real is not easy. And unless it's product line is rich site, otherwise the vertical navigation.


3, the top horizontal bar navigation, the top horizontal bar navigation for only need to display in the main navigation 5 to 12 navigation website is very good. This is the only option for single layout of the site of the main navigation (in addition to the usual for secondary navigation system at the bottom of the navigation). When it is combined with dropdown sub-navigation, this design pattern can support more links.


4, drop-down navigation, drop-down navigation into the drop-down popup layer and drop-down selection box two forms, the foreign trade website construction drop-down selection box display content is limited, is now more popular popup layer drop-down form of navigation.


5, footer navigation, secondary navigation, footer navigation is often used to and may contain not found in the main navigation links, or contains a simplified site map links. Visitors are usually the main navigation when they find what they want to find out to look at the footer navigation.


General characteristics of the footer navigation


Footer navigation is usually used for navigation items placed elsewhere are not


Usually USES text links, occasionally with ICONS


Usually isn't that key link to the page


The disadvantage of the footer navigation


If your page is very long, no one is willing to just scroll to the bottom of the page for navigation. Kunming website construction for longer pages, footer navigation is best as a repeat links and brief site map. It doesn't fit as the dominant form.


When to use the footer navigation


The vast majority of web design has such and such footer navigation, even if it's just repeat the rest of the link. Consider what on the useful, and what your visitors may want to look for.

POST TIME:2013年09月05日




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