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Some website managers don't know how to do web analytics, blindly without purpose. Web design training tips don't know what can do website analysis mainly, what data is more important, which is only need to know is enough. Some companies can skilled use of the site analysis tools to optimize their website repeatedly, then performance has also grown, and although some companies use the web analytics tool but the effect is not obvious. Why there is such a difference? Through the analysis I find whether can skilled use of the site analysis will depend on whether or not you can skillfully use some skills.

理解网站分析主要能做什么 ?当你花费很多时间去做一些网站分析所办不到的事情时,大多数情况下这些时间都白白地浪费了。当我们明确了网站分析可以做到的事情和做不到的事情,并且把时间花在能够做到的事情上就不会徒劳 无功了。对于网站分析做不到的事情我们采用网站分析以外的其他方法去解决。例如:我们通过网站分析知道了「A,B,C页的退出次数很高」。接下来,通常会思考一下如何优化这些页面,但是对于网 站开发人员来说,在制作网页时对网页的设计很是满意,所以谈到优化页面的时候往往有些摸不着头脑。这种情况下,应该站在用户或专家这样的第三者立场上去看这些页面,这样页面存在的问题就会浮出水面了。

Understand the website analysis mainly to do? When you take a lot of time to do some web analytics impossible things when, in most cases this time wasting. When we are clear about the web analytics can do things and do things, and spend time to do things will not be useless work. For site analysis could not do we use the web site other than the methods to solve. For example: we know through the analysis of the web site page "A, B, C, high number of exit". Next, often think about how to optimize these pages, but for web site developers, in making the web for web design is very satisfied, so when it comes to optimize the page often some scratching their heads. This kind of circumstance, should stand in the user or experts such third party shoes look at these pages, this page problems will emerge.

关注重要数据,很多营业人员为了增加关键字广告的效果,会去关注所有的关键字的点击数,CPC,跳出率,转化率和CPA,甚至仅仅是抱着想了解的心态,去查看一个50多页网站的每个页面的浏览数和浏览时间。确实 通过详细的数据分析,能够掌握网站和用户的一些详细信息,但是,这样与所花费的工时相比效果确不是很理想。工作的“时间对效果”,也就是成本效益很低。

Focus on the important data, a lot of business personnel in order to increase the effect of keyword advertising, will pay attention to all the key words of clicks, CPC, bounce rate, conversion and CPA, even just have to understand the point of view, to see a more than 50 pages site each page for page and browse through time. Indeed through detailed analysis of data, can master site and some detailed information of the user, however, that compared with the amount of time the effect is not very ideal. Work "time for effect", i.e., cost efficiency is very low.

网站分析,网站建设在注重大方面的同时,必要的时候小的方面也需要仔细的分析。大方面指的是,浏览数很高的网页,进入数很高的网页,投资很高的广告和关键字,网站中特别重要的网页,商业活动中特别重 要的商品网页等等。好不容易才抽出时间进行网站分析,所以尽量避免把时间花费在微不足道的地方,把时间花在对于优化效果很明显的地方吧。

Web analytics, pay attention to big aspects at the same time, the necessary small also requires careful analysis. Refers to the big aspect, the number of high website, enter the number of high page, investment high ads and keywords, web site is particularly important in web pages, business activities of the special heavy goods to web pages, and so on. Very not easy to take time to analyze site, so try to avoid to spend time in small places, spend time to optimize the effect is very obvious place.

数据分析的目的,网站分析为我们提供了很多有关网站建设的数据,通过分析这些数据我们可以了解很多事情。例如:客人是通过哪些网站和广告来到网站的,在网站内的平均停留多长时间,浏览某一网页的客人的转化率是 多少,等等。如果你使用是高性能网站分析工具的话,那么你还能看到更多你想要统计的数据。使用优秀的网站分析工具的话,喜欢分析的人就能够更加全面的把握网站的状况,从而做出准确的判断。

The purpose of data analysis, site analysis provides us with a lot of data on the website construction, through the analysis of these data we can see a lot of things. For example: the guests came to web site through which websites and advertising, how long the average stay within the site, browse a web page of the guest's conversion rate is how much, and so on. If you use is a high-performance web analytics tool, so you can see more statistical data you want. Using good website analysis tool, the analysis of the person you like can be more comprehensive grasp the status of the site, so as to make an accurate judgment.



POST TIME:2013年09月04日




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